Prelude Services Company Information

Prelude Services

Prelude Services

Jobs at Prelude Services

About this company:


Legal Name: Prelude Services

Primary Location: 5095 Ritter Rd #112, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, USA Map

Legal Name: Prelude Services

Industry/Sector: Professional Services

Subindustry: Consulting

Related Tags: Consulting & Professional Services, Information Technology & Services, B2B, Enterprise, ISP,
Professional Services, Consulting, Commercial & Professional Services

Employees: 75

Year Founded: 1998

Prelude Services

Prelude Services

Company Description

Prelude Services was established in response to an industry need for IT services related specifically to the long term care and senior living markets. The sheer advancement of technologies, coupled with the ever increasing regulations of HIPAA has put ...

85 days

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