Staffing Matches Company Information

Staffing Matches

Staffing Matches

Jobs at Staffing Matches

About this company:


Legal Name: Staffing Matches

Primary Location: 1689 2nd St Ste 101, Sarasota, FL 34236, USA Map

Legal Name: Staffing Matches

Industry/Sector: Professional Services

Subindustry: Human Resource & Employment Services

Related Tags: Employment, Placement Agencies, Staffing & Recruiting, Agency, Human Resources,
Professional Services, Human Resource & Employment Services, Commercial & Professional Services

Employees: 5

Staffing Matches

Staffing Matches

Company Description

Staffing Matches is a full service recruiting and staffing agency in Sarasota, FL. Find your next hire with Staffing Matches today and partner with us! Are you on the lookout for the perfect match to fill your staffing needs or your career aspirations?...
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