Vigilant Technologies Company Information

Vigilant Technologies

Vigilant Technologies

Jobs at Vigilant Technologies

About this company:


Legal Name: Chandler Automated Systems, LLC

Primary Location: 4500 S Lakeshore Dr #410, Tempe, AZ 85282-7056, US Map

Legal Name: Chandler Automated Systems, LLC

Industry/Sector: Internet Software & Services

Subindustry: Internet Software & Services

Related Tags: Information Technology & Services, Technology, Consulting & Professional Services, B2B, Enterprise,
SAAS, ISP, Internet Software & Services, Software & Services

Employees: 10

Year Founded: 2004

Vigilant Technologies

Vigilant Technologies

Company Description

Refining the cloud since 2004, we are your eye in the technology world for all of your data center, cloud storage, disaster recovery and cyber security needs!

51 / 100

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