Food Market Hub Company Information

Food Market Hub

Food Market Hub

Jobs at Food Market Hub

About this company:


Legal Name: Food Market Hub

Legal Name: Food Market Hub

Industry/Sector: Internet Software & Services

Subindustry: Internet Software & Services

Related Tags: Information Technology & Services, Internet Software & Services, Software & Services

Employees: 30

Year Founded: 2017

Food Market Hub

Food Market Hub

Company Description

Solutions for restaurants, F&B chain outlets, central kitchen and suppliers. Reduce food cost, automate supply chain with Artificial Intelligence (AI). More here!


jobs available

75 / 100

remote work rating

Job roles over time
Image Name Title Description
Data Point Information
Funding Type Funding Raised Announced On Funding Series
seed $ 0 July 18 2018
seed $ 450,000 May 01 2019
venture $ 4 million November 18 2020 A
Logo Investor Name Description
user-pic500 Startups 500 Startups is a global venture capital firm with a network of startup programs headquartered in Silicon Valley with over $454M in committed capital across 4 main funds and 15 thematic funds. They have invested in 2,200+ technology startups globally since its inception in 2010 including Twilio (NYSE: TWLO), Credit Karma, SendGrid, Grab, GitLab, Bukalapak, Canva, Udemy, TalkDesk, Intercom, Ipsy, MakerBot (acquired by SSYS), Wildfire (acquired by
user-pic Go- Ventures Go-Ventures is an investment company by Go-Jek.
user-pic Susquehanna International Group ( S I G) Since its inception in 1987, the Susquehanna International Group of Companies (SIG)* has grown from a trading firm on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange to one of the largest privately held financial institutions in the world. With more than 1,500 employees worldwide, SIG sits at the helm of the latest trends and developments in trading and market making, institutional sales, research, private equity, venture capital, and investment banking. SIG has
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