Crowdlinker Company Information



Jobs at Crowdlinker

About this company:


Legal Name: Crowdlinker

Primary Location: 548 King St W #205, Toronto, ON M5V 1M3, Canada Map

Legal Name: Crowdlinker

Industry/Sector: Internet Software & Services

Subindustry: Internet Software & Services

Related Tags: Information Technology & Services, Consulting & Professional Services, Technology, Internet, B2B,
SAAS, Internet Software & Services, Software & Services

Employees: 10

Year Founded: 2012



Company Description

Crowdlinker helps companies build transformative user experiences, find product-market fit and scale with great strategy, design, software engineering, and product marketing.


jobs available

90 / 100

remote work rating

Job roles over time
Company Location Map
Image Name Title Description
Data Point Information
Funding Type Funding Raised Announced On Funding Series
grant $ 30,000 January 01 2013
debt_financing $ 188,000 August 07 2013
pre_seed $ 0 January 01 2014
grant $ 62,000 March 31 2014
seed $ 650,000 July 14 2014
Logo Investor Name Description
user-pic D M Z The DMZ at Ryerson University is a business incubator for tech startups in Canada. It helps startups build businesses by connecting it with customers, capital, experts, and a community of entrepreneurs and influencers. This means creating an environment where people can focus on scaling businesses. The DMZ at Ryerson University was founded on 2010 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.
user-pic National Research Council
user-pic R I C Centre Venture Start
user-pic Canada media fund Canada media fund is focused on the development, financing, and promoting of content and applications of television and digital media industries. It offers its services in Canada. Canada media fund facilitates funding programs, including Convergent stream, a program that is focused on the creation of convergent television and digital media content; and Experimental Stream that focuses on interactive digital media content and software application
user-pic Canada Media Fund ( C M F)
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Alex KwongTalent Leadsal**

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