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Role and responsibilities

Data Entry Analyst

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Data entry analysts manually enter text or numerical data into databases, spreadsheets or word processing programs. Professionals in this occupation may also use automated software programs to upload digital data files. Professionals in this occupation may work with client contact data, financial records, sales information or patient medical records. Education/Training Employers normally require that data entry analyst workers complete high school, and applicants who have completed an associate degree or bachelors degree may find better paying positions that can lead to advancement opportunities. Data entry analysts receive on-the-job training that pertains to specific company software and company quality assurance procedures. Workers in this occupation need to understand the basic functionality of spreadsheet creation, word processing and database management programs. Employers may offer data entry analysts who have advanced knowledge of software programs additional job opportunities. Daily Duties After manually or automatically uploading information, data entry analysts may manipulate this data to create specialized reports for other colleagues. Workers in this occupation check for incorrect information and formatting to fulfill company quality control policies in addition to correcting any errors introduced during the manual data entry process.

Job posts over time

On average, these positions are normally open for 33 days

Potential Salary

We currently have no salaries in
for the Data Entry Analyst role.


is the average in the USA for this position.

Country Compensation
United Kingdom£16,596
United States$84,965
The Ideal Candidate...


Personality Description

People interested in this work like activities that include data, detail, and regular routines.


Problem Solving

Arts and Humanities
Safety and Government


high school/secondary school diploma / some college

Hiring Data Entry Analyst

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