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Role and responsibilities

Mechanical Engineer

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Mechanical Engineers design, manufacture, and evaluate mechanical devices, such as industrial machinery, heating and cooling systems, transportation systems, robotics, and tools.

Typical Responsibilities

  • Perform a full lifecycle product development (design, develop, test prototypes, manufacture and implement)
  • Design systems and components that meet needs and requirements
  • Produce outline designs
  • Conduct experiments methodically, analyse data and interpret results
  • Test and evaluate theoretical designs
  • Identify, formulate and produce effective solutions to emerging problems
  • Evaluate final product’s overall performance, reliability and safety
  • Alter and modify design to meet requirements and to eliminate malfunctions
  • Estimate budget and scope of project
  • Solicit observations from operators
  • Prepare product reports and documentation
  • Engage in lifelong learning and develop new theories or methods

Job posts over time

down 57%

since last week

Potential Salary
Country Compensation
ArgentinaARS$ 82 mil
BrazilR$ 9.029
France43 100 €
Netherlands€ 61.590
Belgium€ 3.379
Spain31.867 €
Hong KongHK$19K
New ZealandNZ$67K
Austria€ 58.285
The Ideal Candidate...

Detail oriented

Personality Description

People interested in this work like activities that include ideas, thinking, and figuring things out.

Ideas and Logic
Visual Understanding

Problem Solving
People and Technology

Engineering and Technology
Math and Science
Arts and Humanities
Manufactured or Agricultural Goods


bachelor's degree

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